
Your Life Matters
(August 8, 2020)

Your life matters, my life matters to the Father and to the Son
Dark brown lives matter, light brown lives matter
Not because of their color, but because of what He’s done
Because life matters

In the beginning man was made in God’s image
But then satan led him astray
He used to walk with God in the garden
Until he pridefully chose his own way

The Lord was grieved at this loss of communion
But He already had a plan
He was not surprised at Adam’s rebellion
He knew the choice that resided with man
But He believed that

Your life matters, my life matters to the Father and to the Son
Big lives matter, small lives matter
Not because of their size but because of what He’s done
Because life matters

Throughout history God spoke through the prophets
Revealing to us His plan
He gave the law through Moses
And made a covenant with man

Though God was faithful to His promise
Man in his weakness lacked power and will
And though we failed to meet the standard
God was patient with us still

Your life matters, my life matters to the Father and to the Son
Old lives matter, young lives matter
Not because of their age, but because of what He’s done
Because life matters

Then God sent His Son as a baby
His life was perfect without a flaw
He never strayed from the will of His Father
And fulfilled the requirements of the His law

But most refused to receive Him
And those He loved hung Him on a tree
The highest price was paid for our redemption
Which shows the value of you and me
He proved that

Your life matters, my life matters to the Father and to the Son
Rich lives matter, poor lives matter
Not because of what they have, but because of what He’s done
Because life matters

But that’s not the end of the story
Although He bore our sin and died
The grave could not contain Him
He rose from death and was glorified

And ‘though He ascended into heaven
He sent His Spirit back to abide
Now we can walk in love and power
When we forsake selfishness and pride
And we can be sure that

Your life matters, my life matters to the Father and to the Son
Christian lives matter, Muslim lives matter
Born or unborn, He has a plan for every one
Because life matters

Copyright ©2020 Holy Spirit (via Paula Smith)